3rd Annual patient healthcare forum
april 18, 2019
Moderated by LDAM President Dr. Sharad Rai, the theme of the 3rd Annual London & District Academy of Medicine Patient Healthcare Forum was patient solutions for hallway medicine with a primary care focus. Five patient speakers presented a variety of ideas to help alleviate the current crisis dubbed hallway healthcare by government officials. Diagnosed with a genetic heart condition, Paula Henderson expressed the challenges she has faced navigating the system. Ms. Henderson was fortunate enough to have worked within the Local Health Integration Network (LHIN), therefore she utilized her expertise to arrange her own referral for post-surgical care. Other patients are not so lucky, however. Following an emergency abroad, Larry Dann spent more than a week waiting for a hospital bed to become available in London before he could return to Canada. Coordination is especially lacking within the mental health system, as noted by Brett Batten. Finally, John and Patty Boles shared their experiences both as patients and family members struggling to make necessary connections. The audience also heard from members of government and other stakeholders including the Honourable Jeff Yurek, Minister of Transportation and MPP Elgin-Midddlesex-London; Peggy Sattler, MPP London West; Peter Rozeluk, Executive Director for Mission Services of London; and Betty Jo Drent of West Elgin Community Health Centre. The evening closed with questions posed to the MPPs in attendance.
2nd Annual Patient Healthcare Forum
April 12, 2018
Held on April 12, 2018, the 2nd Annual London & District Academy of Medicine Patient Healthcare Forum was a tremendous success. In addition to a room packed with Londoners, MPPs Teresa Armstrong, Peggy Sattler, and Jeff Yurek were in attendance to hear patients’ stories of delays in timely access to care and the effects of those delays on themselves and their families. Mental health care was the theme for the yearly event.
1st Annual patient healthcare forum
April 21, 2017
Recognizing the concerns of area patients, the Academy held its inaugural Patient Healthcare Forum on April 21, 2017 at the Byron Branch of the London Public Library. The theme for the event was mental health and surgical wait times. Patients from around the City of London shared their stories and struggles with accessing timely care. Ms. Teresa Armstrong, MPP London-Fanshawe; Ms. Peggy Sattler, MPP London-West; and Mr. Jeff Yurek, MPP Elgin-Middlesex-London were also in attendance.